Our Daily Meals Delivery Menu
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
"Dong An" Vinegar Chicken
Dish 2
Batan with White Bean Sauce
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
Radish Pork Bone Soup
4 Dishes
"Dong An" Vinegar Chicken
Batan with White Bean Sauce
Seasonal Vegetable
Stir Fry Japanese Leeks with Fish Mar
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
Pork Chop with Tonkatsu Sauce
Dish 2
Teriyaki Pollock Fillet
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
Miso Soup with tofu & chicken
4 Dishes
Pork Chop with tonkatsu sauce
teriyaki pollock fillet
Seasonal Vegetable
japanese curry with potato & carrot
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
stir fry cumin chicken
Dish 2
fried egg with diced tomato
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
lotus root chicken soup
4 Dishes
stir fry cumin chicken
fried egg with diced tomato
Seasonal Vegetable
minced pork with diced pickled lettuce
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
black sweet vinegar pig trotter
Dish 2
fried beancurd with caipoh
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
chinese lettuce vermicelli pork ball soup
4 Dishes
black sweet vinegar pig trotter
fried beancurd with caipoh
Seasonal Vegetable
sliced chicken with sze chuan cai
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
curry chicken
Dish 2
herbal prawns
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
arrow root chicken soup
4 Dishes
curry chicken
herbal prawns
Seasonal Vegetable
chicken luncheon meat with diced potato
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
Twice Cooked Pork Belly
Dish 2
stir fry eggplant with minced pork
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
sharkfin melon chicken soup
4 Dishes
twice cooked pork belly
stir fry eggplant with minced pork
Seasonal Vegetable
pumpkin stew
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
Roasted Chicken
Dish 2
Teochew Braised Egg and Mushroom
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
pumpkin with vegetable soup
roasted chicken
Teochew Braised Egg and Mushroom
Seasonal Vegetable
Teochew Braised Tau Kwa
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
Sliced Pork with Salted Fish
Dish 2
white beancurd with shredded chicken
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
aBC soup
4 Dishes
sliced pork with salted fish
white beancurd white shredded chicken
Seasonal Vegetable
chicken cocktail with pineapple
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
Herbal chicken
Dish 2
Steamed dory steak with minced ginger
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
tomato chinese cabbage soup
4 Dishes
herbal chicken
Steamed dory steak with minced ginger
Seasonal Vegetable
vermicelli with minced chicken
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
Sweet & sour pork
Dish 2
golden pumpkin tofu with shrimps
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
potato carrot pork bone soup
4 Dishes
sweet & sour pork
golden pumpkin tofu with shrimps
Seasonal Vegetable
braised potato with minced vegetables
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
Curry pork soft bone
Dish 2
white beancurd with crab stick & ham
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
Salted vegetable beancurd soup
4 Dishes
curry pork soft bone
white beancurd with crab stick & ham
Seasonal Vegetable
stir fry wintermelon w minced chicken
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
Dish 2
Dish 3
4 Dishes
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
Dish 2
Dish 3
4 Dishes
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
Soya sauce chicken drumstick
Dish 2
gong bao tilapia fillet
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
white fungus chicken soup
4 Dishes
soya sauce chicken drumstick
gong bao tilapia
Seasonal Vegetable
malay style crispy taukwa
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
stewed pork with red bean paste
Dish 2
steamed egg with minced chicken
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
sweet corn pork bone soup
4 Dishes
stewed pork with red bean paste
steamed egg with minced chicken
Seasonal Vegetable
rendang fish ball
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes
Dish 1
Egg Beancurd with Mixed Vegetables
Dish 2
Salt & Pepper Pork ribs
Dish 3
Seasonal Vegetable
Old Cucumber Chicken Soup
4 Dishes
Dry Roasted Por Rib
Egg Beancurd with Mixed Vegetables
Seasonal Vegetable
Sardine Fish with Onion
3 Dishes 1 Soup
4 Dishes